Our faith experiences and adherence to the gospel values and life skills are what sets St. Benedict students apart. The formal study of the catholic religion is an integral part of Catholic education. It is, therefore, essential that every member of this school community participates in religion classes. The goal of our school is to form the character of the students with an understanding of human dignity.
School Prayer
The school day begins and ends with prayer. Formal prayer as well as spontaneous prayer will be shared. Students will say the “Blessing before Meals” at lunch time.
School Mass
The existence of a Catholic school is the passing on of the faith. An important part of this faith is our privilege to offer worship. The students at St. Benedict Catholic School have the opportunity to worship weekly at school Masses. Classes alternate planning the Eucharistic liturgies throughout the year. Parents are invited to join in these special celebrations recognizing that Holy Communion is distributed to those belonging to and practicing the Catholic faith.

Sacramental Preparation
Parents are the initial and most important educators of their students – especially in the area of faith and the Catholic Church. Parents are required to participate in the sacramental preparation programs in order to evaluate the readiness of their student for the sacraments. St. Benedict Catholic School includes lessons in the religion curriculum at Grades 2, and 8 to aid parents in the preparation of their students to receive the sacraments. Our 2nd grade students prepare for and receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Confirmation is scheduled on a yearly basis for our 8th grade students.
Sacramental preparation will take place through Religion classes at St. Benedict Catholic School as well as the students’ home parish. Celebration of First Eucharist will take place in the student’s home parish. Celebration of Confirmation will take place as a group at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral.
Periodically throughout the school year, students will have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Sunday Worship
In keeping with the third commandment of God, “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day,” parents are strongly encouraged to worship with their students each weekend with their church community.
Theology of the Body
Included in the Diocese of Toledo Religion Course of Study is formation for chastity and human sexuality. To attain the learning outcomes established for 7th and 8th grades, St. Benedict Catholic School follows a highly recommended curriculum “Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition” based on the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II. Students take part in instruction during the regular religion class.

Students of other Faiths
Students of other faiths enrolled at St. Benedict Catholic School are required to participate in religion class and to attend and participate in liturgies. Participation in sacraments is governed by the guidelines of the Roman Catholic Church and therefore available to those students and parents who are practicing the Catholic faith. We welcome non-Catholic students to receive blessings during communion distribution at Mass or just speak with a priest during reconciliation services. Our school respects the individual religious beliefs of those who are not Roman Catholic and ask that families of different faiths will likewise respect the teachings of the Catholic Church.